
teddiemy border terrier Viking

Roberta's dogs Charlie and little Milox-Mandy-x

Don't Ruby and Smudge look pleased with their xmas hats? x-Mandy-x

Misty's Minnie (and incy wincy spider)x-Mandy-x

Pugwashf's picture: Charlie and Bellax-Mandy-x

Misty's Minnie - her own little garden bedx-Mandy-x

Minnie, racing across a field, on her own 4 legs - for Bobby :Px-Mandy-x

Misty's dog Minnie - especially for Bobbyx-Mandy-x

This is Minnie - especially for Bobbyx-Mandy-x

This is Bella and her new pup Charliex-Mandy-x